Chief Minister dedicates developmental works worth Rs.367.12 crores in Kheda


Chief Minister Mr. Vijay Rupani dedicated a water supply scheme worth Rs.81.70 crores, laid foundation stone for 52 developmental works worth Rs.185.11 crores and dedicated various developmental works worth Rs. 100.31 crores for the people of Kheda.

A total of 129 developmental works worth Rs.367.12 crores were dedicated by the Chief Minister today.

During the event, the Chief Minister said, “Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has a mission to provide a tap for each and every household of India by 2024.The state government has decided to fulfil the mission of ‘Nal se Jal’ by 2022.  The government is providing 1 lakh taps per month to every household for the same.”82% people in Gujarat receive water through taps today.

The CM also added that the administration is on its toes to ensure that the fruits of development reach one and all in a transparent manner.

The state government, under 7 PaglaKhedut Kalyan Na Yojana’ has purchased crops worth Rs.17 thousand crores at MSP in the last 4 years. The government has also implemented the MukhyamantriMahila Utkarsh Yojana to empower women of 10 lakh SHGs in Gujarat.

 The CM also gave details about the transparent and fast paced administration by citing examples of online revenue systems.Chief Whip of Gujarat Vidhan Sabha Mr. Pankaj Desai said that these works will accelerate the district’s development.

Head of District Panchayat Mrs. Nayanaben Patel said, “1.25 lakh people of 37 villages will get potable water through GalteshwarJooth Water Supply Scheme’.

M.P Mr. Devusinh Chauhan lauded the government under Chief Minister Mr. Vijay Rupani and said that the administration has taken care of the poor and downtrodden with utmost sensitivity despite the menace of the pandemic. The government provided free of cost food grains for 8 months and ensured the welfare of COVID-19 patients in private hospitals by providing free-of-cost treatment.

M.P Mr. Ratansinh Rathod, MLA Mr. Kesarisinh Solanki, Chairman of AMUL Mr. Ramsinh Parmar, Collector Mr.I.K Patel, DDO Mr.Gadhvi and a large number of people were present during the event.


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