One Word, One Sentence, One Lesson, One Book, One Person Can Change, the World. In our Valsad district, Second wave of Covid 19, brought greater losses of life along with left many jobless and penniless. Each day, it’s a struggle for many to feed their families two time meals. On top of that, finally after months Schools are reopening, in one world it seems students are excited, new bags, new books, and new compasses, new tiffin and the list is endless simultaneously in another world there are students, who are awaiting for dreaming to go school, no old school bag, no money to buy books and pay fees.

They only hope for miracles to happen.  Miracles they can really happen in real life, we can be that miracles, that hope, that angel in their life. If we look in our surroundings, neighbourhood, we can easily identify such students who are in dire need of help. Education is the ultimate tool for these kids, to change their lives. Just like a single drop of water, seems meaningless in a vast oceans, but millions of same droplets of water forms an ocean. Our small efforts, small contributions, may not change the world, but it will definitely change someone’s world. You have the power to change someone’ life and bring smile to their faces.“Each One, Donate One”


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