Not all Superheroes Wear Caps, some wear Stethoscopes


Doctors, you cure all of us without discriminating us into caste, creed, and culture. They say whenever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity. With your enormous efforts, we were able to fight some deadly epidemics like Influenza, Polio, Chickenpox, etc. We are still fighting a new pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19) with all your help and support. God has no religion and you all are the examples. You have the heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Well not all superheroes wear caps, some wear stethoscopes too. You all are heroes to us and unsung heroes of humanity. 
As I clearly recall, it was 20th April, 2021, Ramadan had already started, I got a panicked call from my sister, she was in tears, “Saima, Abba ka Oxygen is low, there’s no bed empty in the entire Valsad, do something”. My first call was to Dr Qureshi, immediately he asked to bring my Uncle to the hospital as his oxygen level was already 86 by then. Upon reaching the hospital, I was shocked to see the scenario, long queues of patients waiting for CT scan, nurses running here and there from one patient to another, doctors seating back to back in OPDs for consulting patients, ward boy running ground floor to second floor for oxygen. Rooms were full, passages were full, everywhere chaos. That was just the beginning. The first thing upon my Uncle’s arrival he underwent CT SCAN, we were shocked to know already his lungs were 60% infected. Luckily by the end of the day, we got a room and bed, and we put on an NRVM mask, but that wasn’t enough. Soon he was shifted to Bipap, that was the most chilling thing I had ever seen. My uncle whom I had never seen with fever was lying semi-conscious with an oxygen mask. Due to fear of infection at home I started staying at the hospital. But this experience in hospital changed my perspective towards life
 Dr Mustak Qureshi, help in disguise, being in hospital I saw a human being beyond doctor, with each passing day, patients kept on coming, some begging, some crying, some coming with their oxygen just to get treatment. When all other hospital doors were closed sir took the risk by providing stretchers and sofas to patients in the corridor. Completing his regular surgeries, helping his associate doctors in OPDs in treating Covid 19 Patients and at night visiting Civil Hospital and returning back at midnight. To those patients who couldn’t pay anonymously sending them donations. Meeting each patient with a smile and motivating them. The same footsteps can be seen in your children. Doctor proud to have you. Thank you during this holy month of Ramdaan, I got an opportunity to serve people, sometimes with water other times with food. At times I saw death, I consoled their families, cried with them, it made me realise how belittling I am. Overall I realised “We need more Humanitarian Institutions then compared to any other institute”.
Dr Mrunal Desai, An apple a day keeps a doctor away. But who wants to keep good doctors like you at bay?  You are such a wonderful doctor and you always made us feel so safe. It was not the medicines, but your reassuring words that gave the strength to pull through illness. Your caring and extra effort to make your patient comfortable is truly remarkable. You have been such a kind and caring doctor for us during our time of need. Thank you for doing everything that you do and helping us during a hard time. Before saying that you are an extraordinary doctor, I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary human being Dr Bhavesh, because God could not be everywhere he made sure that we have doctors like you who have the gift of healing mankind. I am so thankful to you for treating me so tenderly. Evan during a time of crisis, when your sister in law expired due to Covid 19, yet the next day you were back on duty. A patient testimonial is less of a recognition of a doctor’s professional expertise, and more of a recommendation of a doctor’s ability to listen, care, and heal. I can vouch for the fact that your abilities are unmatched. Having a doctor like you is something that nearly everyone wants, but many people never get to experience. You have been so good to us and helped me through all of this time. Your great explanation of illness and giving hope. Thank you for being so much more than I ever would have thought I could find in a doctor. You’re an amazing person and you’ve made such a difference in our life and I will be forever grateful to you Thank you Pardi Hospital for teaching us the difference between Fact and Faith: Fact is when any ordinary doctor diagnoses illness in a report. Faith is when good doctors like you give their patients the strength to recover. We owe wellness to you. Your smiles were reassuring, and your faith was strong enough to pull us into believing that my uncle would make it out alive. Thank you nurses, for your immeasurable kindness. Thank you Ward boys, you have proven to be ones with remarkable differences. Thank you for being humane, and for checking up frequently and every day on a round-the-clock basis, you all have made immense sacrifices to ensure that our health centres and hospitals are not devoid of bits of help whenever we call in sick. It is impossible not to remember all that you did for us when it was as though all hope was lost. We really appreciate your mighty show of warm-heartedness. When it comes to expertise, we have never seen a more skilful and dedicated team like yours. 
Thank You from all of us whose lives have been positively affected by your tenderness, resilience, and skilful professionalism. You have my maximum respect, and I want to appreciate you for all the awesome things you do to give people a second chance to live. Your thoughtfulness and thoroughness contributed to speeding up the healing process. I wonder what could have become if you weren’t the one who handled my case. Let me take out a moment in my busy life to send a thank you note to a very amazing doctor and his team who is full of love and commitment. May you reach the highest peak of success. It was not the medicines, but your reassuring words which gave us the strength to pull through illness. When you’re sincerely ready to help others, you’re on the way to be a great doctor. Salute to all doctor’s for self-sacrificing for us.


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