A free woman is apt ?

Really it's a freedom for woman or rigidness of society in 21st century 

symbolic image

A girl, a mother, a sister, a daughter any post but ultimately a feminine gender i.e. a woman the hand that rocks the cradle the procreator, the mother of tomorrow, a woman that shapes the destiny of civilization, little girl of today. Today we are living in 21st century yet discrimination of a girl child, child marriage, dowry system etc. continuously exist till even after independence. As the girl starts growing, she gradually gets exposed to a set of rules, defining, appropriate feminine behavior in a given all true. In India, Domestic violence  like abuse is generally overloaded by social custom and considered a part and parcel of marital life. It also include rape and sexual abuse. Psychological violence includes verbal abuse, harassment, confinement and deprivation of physical, financial and personal resources. A girl is still exploited, harassed and tortured by a boy or a man and the girl is helpless and can’t raise the voice against anyone. when a girl or a victim suffers to the extreme point and tries to explain it anyhow to her family member or to the one who is very close to her then it’s the responsibility and joint effort of the family members to take necessary steps and raise their voice for the same the criminal or the offender should be given punishment or proper retribution and should not be left to live  their life in an unusual manner. But in the 21st century also people are very orthodox and have a fear or soft corner in their hearts which prevents them from raising their voice against the injustice and crime done towards any girl or a woman even if they are afraid to contribute their little part with the victim’s family. they just try to be away from such quarrels and even demoralize the one who starts raising their voice for the betterment of the victim girl. The offender should not be left away and as if to live a normal life and a victim girl feels very awkward to be out and fare the society. She should not be forced to do so and stay at home and at the same time the offender feels free and more free in the society. Stop this pity shame, Don’t Play this Evil game, Let the Girl walk in a safe lane. To be away from Mistaken Blame.


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